Welcome to Drawing as Illustration! We'll be using this blog for critique outside of class, discussion, posting work from other classes, links to things you might find inspirational and lots of other stuff. This is an informal place for you to expand on what you're learning in class. I'll put the rules right here so nobody gets confused.
Every once in awhile we will post a short assignment here- this should NOT take more than 20, to 30 minutes to complete, including posting to the blog. I'll give you a subject to draw, and you'll spend 10 minutes, no more, no less on your drawing. These should be quick and simple. Take a picture with your digital camera or scan your image, and upload to the blog. If you don't have one all ready, you'll have to create a blogger or google account, which is both easy and free. Email me at marissa.lanterman@gmail.com with your info so i can make you an author of the blog by next Wednesday, September 10th.
That's that! I'm looking forward to working with you all this semester, and I hope this blog will be a fun way for us to share information, if you find an artist you admire, or a link to something cool (but relevant) online (news articles, websites, other blogs) post it here! and feel free to ask your classmates and myself for a midweek critique. Keep an eye on this, it should be fun.
Hello world!
4 years ago